Steve Zerafa, an academic renowned for his expertise in remote sensing, software development and geospatial technology, the person behind PIXAM Ltd. and a co-founder of the Foundation for Innovation and...
Dr. Brian Azzopardi and Mr. Steve Zerafa, among others, and on behalf of several Maltese organizations including The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), The Foundation For Research...
Seagrass can now be spotted accurately through aerial photography. This was another result achieved through the MAARES project which is researching the presence of posidonia oceanica in the sea around...
Mr. Steve Zerafa contributed by writing a chapter in a series of books related to spatial analysis, with a chapter called Spatial Algorithms for Land scape change detection. Land spatial...
MAARES is a study project about the presence of posidonia oceanica in the sea around the Maltese islands. The MAARES project, in collaboration between Ambjent Malta, the Environment and Resources...
PIXAM embarked on a journey to designing and build an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The crew @pixa, to make this happen are working on several tasks inlcuding: Define the problem...
The team launched the project BEEPOLL, a third generation study to create online tools, which can be used by the national authorities and land managers to identify the location for...
Electric energy is one of the driving forces in every country. The supply of electrical energy continues to offer a number of challenges including the high costs which are required...
PIXAM LTD is a private company that arose from a successful research project. It was incepted with the aim to develop hardware and software geo tools for aerial and ground drones under one...