A groundbreaking autonomous robot, named ARRES (Autonomous Road Repair System) PREVENT, designed to address potholes through artificial intelligence, is set to undergo its first real-world road test outside a controlled environment.
Developed by tech company Robotiz3d and University of Liverpool academics in collaboration with Hertfordshire County Council Highways Engineers, ARRES utilizes AI to identify and characterize potholes and cracks, automatically filling them to prevent further damage from surface water seepage.
The initiative aims to save time and money by promptly identifying and repairing potential road hazards, minimizing disruption to motorists.
Entering the pilot phase after extensive lab testing since its development in 2020, ARRES is the world’s first robot of its kind.
The upcoming trial on Hertfordshire roads marks a significant step toward validating its effectiveness in real-world conditions.
Phil Bibby of Hertfordshire County Council expresses optimism, emphasizing the technology’s potential to maintain a top-tier road network.
Potholes, formed through a series of stages involving road surface cracking, water ingress, and the impact of traffic, are a prevalent issue in the UK due to high traffic levels and harsh winter weather.
If successful, ARRES could revolutionize road maintenance practices, addressing a persistent challenge faced by communities and local authorities.
Photo credit: Zenzic CAM UK