DART – Electronics Schematic + Code

Our provided schematic shows the wiring arrangement for interfacing the microcontroller and motor driver to control the motors. The user-friendly printed circuit board (PCB) design streamlines the setup process, requiring only the connection of power and motor wires for seamless integration. This thoughtful approach prioritizes user convenience while ensuring a smooth and professional experience in deploying our technology across diverse applications.

DART - Electronics Schematic

This code serves as the essential programming instructions to enable precise control of the motors through the microcontroller and motor driver. It’s user-friendly, allowing you to customize the motor operations to suit your specific requirements. Feel free to download the complete code or simply copy the snippet for a quick start.

#include "BluetoothSerial.h"

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;

const int Motor1_InA = 19;
const int Motor1_InB = 18; 
const int Motor1_EncA = 36; // yellow C1
const int Motor1_EncB = 39; // green C2

const int Motor2_InA = 16; 
const int Motor2_InB = 17; 
const int Motor2_EncA = 34; // yellow C1
const int Motor2_EncB = 35; // green C2

volatile long motor1EncVal = 0;
volatile long motor2EncVal = 0;

volatile int motorAEncPinALastState = LOW;
volatile int motorAEncPinAState = LOW;
volatile int motorBEncPinALastState = LOW;
volatile int motorBEncPinAState = LOW;

int CurrentMode = 0;

void motor1EncoderISR() {
  int b = digitalRead(Motor1_EncB);
  if(b > 0){


void motor2EncoderISR() {

  int b = digitalRead(Motor1_EncB);
  if(b > 0){


int ControlState = 0;

void setup() {

  SerialBT.begin("PixRover1"); // give Bluetooth name

  pinMode(Motor1_EncA, INPUT);
  pinMode(Motor1_EncB, INPUT);
  pinMode(Motor2_EncA, INPUT);
  pinMode(Motor2_EncB, INPUT);

  pinMode(Motor1_InA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor1_InB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor2_InA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Motor2_InB, OUTPUT);

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Motor1_EncA), motor1EncoderISR, RISING);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Motor2_EncA), motor2EncoderISR, RISING);

void loop() {



void MoveStop(){
  analogWrite(Motor1_InA, 0);
  analogWrite(Motor2_InA, 0);
  analogWrite(Motor1_InB, 0);
  analogWrite(Motor2_InB, 0);
  CurrentMode = 0;

void MoveForward(uint8_t SpeedA, uint8_t SpeedB){
  if (CurrentMode == 0){
    analogWrite(Motor1_InA, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InA, SpeedB);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InB, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InB, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InA, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InA, SpeedB);
    CurrentMode = 1;

void MoveBackward(uint8_t SpeedA, uint8_t SpeedB){
  if (CurrentMode == 0){
    analogWrite(Motor1_InB, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InB, SpeedB);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InA, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InA, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InB, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InB, SpeedB);
    CurrentMode = 2;

void MoveRight(uint8_t SpeedA, uint8_t SpeedB){
  if (CurrentMode == 0){
    analogWrite(Motor1_InB, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InA, SpeedB);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InA, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InB, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InB, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InA, SpeedB);
    CurrentMode = 3;

void MoveLeft(uint8_t SpeedA, uint8_t SpeedB){
  if (CurrentMode == 0){
    analogWrite(Motor1_InA, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InB, SpeedB);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InB, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InA, 0);
    analogWrite(Motor1_InA, SpeedA);
    analogWrite(Motor2_InB, SpeedB);
    CurrentMode = 4;

void CheckSerial(){
  if (Serial.available()){
    int inByte = Serial.read();
    if (inByte == 97){ // 97 = a
      ControlState = 1;

void CheckSerialBT(){
  if (SerialBT.available() >= 1) { // Ensure at least 1 byte is available
    char ReceivedChar = SerialBT.read();

    if (ReceivedChar == 'S') {
      if (SerialBT.available() >= 2) { // Ensure at least 2 more bytes are available
        uint8_t ReceivedSpdA = SerialBT.read();
        uint8_t ReceivedSpdB = SerialBT.read();

        if (ReceivedSpdA != 0 && ReceivedSpdB != 0){
          if(ReceivedChar == 'F'){
            MoveForward(ReceivedSpdA, ReceivedSpdB);
          else if(ReceivedChar == 'B'){
            MoveBackward(ReceivedSpdA, ReceivedSpdB);
          else if(ReceivedChar == 'L'){
            MoveLeft(ReceivedSpdA, ReceivedSpdB);
          else if(ReceivedChar == 'R'){
            MoveRight(ReceivedSpdA, ReceivedSpdB);
          else{ SerialBT.println("Error: Unknown Command."); }

        else{ SerialBT.println("Error: Invalid Value."); }    
      else { SerialBT.println("Error: Insufficient data received."); }



The dart 3D files could be found here