Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris on Saturday night. Durov, 39, landed on a private jet from Azerbaijan and was detained due to an arrest warrant issued in France.
The arrest triggered an outcry from Moscow and social media criticism from Elon Musk, owner of X, formerly Twitter. Musk claimed that free speech was under attack in Europe. Russia’s foreign ministry demanded access to Durov and criticized the arrest as politically motivated.
French authorities have not officially confirmed Durov’s detention. Allegedly, Durov allowed crimes to proliferate on Telegram due to insufficient moderation and lack of cooperation with law enforcement. France’s national anti-fraud police and cybersecurity units are leading the probe.
Telegram, an encrypted messaging app with nearly one billion users, plays a significant role in Russia, Ukraine, and former Soviet republics. It has become a critical tool during the Russia-Ukraine war, with both sides using the platform for communication.
Durov, who has French and UAE citizenship, founded Telegram in 2013 after fleeing Russia over disputes with authorities. Despite challenges from governments worldwide, he has consistently advocated for keeping the app neutral and free from political interference.
Durov’s potential indictment is expected soon, while Russian officials and supporters claim he is a victim of Western persecution.
Photo: Wikipedia